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Saturday 28 April 2012

Cool Diet for summer

Summer is a time of expansion, growth, activity, creativity and abundance of energy. It is also a time when fluid depletion and excessive body heat can be an issue. Juicy, brightly colored fruits and vegetables are especially good food choices in the summer. It is ideal to eat these foods uncooked or lightly steamed.

Summer tends to rob our bodies of moisture, and for this reason, summer foods are rich in water content. Dehydration is implicated in a startling number of health issues and disease. Signs of dehydration include headache, dizziness, irritability and fatigue. Be on the look out for these symptoms and hydrate with water if any of them arise. As a rule, we should drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. If you are especially active in the summer or live in a hot climate, you will want to drink as much as 12 – 14 glasses a day.

As much as your body may want it, avoid excessive amounts of ice, ice cream, sorbet and other frozen foods. While they may give you a temporary feeling of relief, they can wreak havoc on your spleen and stomach. 
Pamper yourself with curds, buttermilk, sugarcane juice, fruit juices..These juices maintain your body hydration and also skin glow 

Because of the external heat of the summer, it is important to eat foods that have cooling properties while avoiding foods that are warming.
 Warming foods include most meats, vegetables that are in the red range of the color spectrum, heavy oily foods, and foods that are spicy (pepper, cinnamon, ginger, clove, garlic, chives and leeks to name a few).

Cooling foods clear and reduce heat, expel toxins and increase body fluids. Foods that are sour and salty help to balance the body electrolytes in the summer. Avoid fried foods and large meals. It is best in the summer to eat smaller amounts of food more often than three square meals a day.

Here is a list of cooling foods for the summer.

Summer Fruits

Summer Vegetables
Mung beans
Summer squash
White mushroom

Summer Spices
Lemon balm
White Peppercorn

Summer Grains and Legumes
              Stay Healthy and enjoy your summer season!!

                                      sent to us by
                                  Mrs Monica (Dietician)
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"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare".

Chanting of this Maha mantra regularly, fills your heart with immense peace and joy. you will begin to see light when all seems dark. your wishes come true out of the blue.

Heart Disease-No 1 Killer In Women

When you hear the term 'Heart Disease,' what is your first reaction? Like many women, you may think, “That’s a man’s disease” or “Not my problem.”
But here is The Heart Truth: Heart disease is the number one killer of women . Most women don’t know this. But it is vital that you know it—and know what it means for you.

One woman dies almost every minute from Heart Disease.Yet Studies Show that only 21%One woman view Heart Disease as Health Threat.

Worldwide 8.6 million women die of heart disease each year, accounting for a third of all deaths in women. With all the risk factors common to men additionally use of Oral Contraceptive pills is there in women. So women should be educated about everything they need to know about their heart.

According to statistics, the mortality rate among women suffering from cardiovascular diseases is also higher than that of men across the world, including India. The main reason behind the increased mortality rate in women is the changes in lifestyle in metropolitan cities. In big cities women are working late shifts and more and more women are taking help of smoking and drinking to deal with the stress of personal and professional life.

'Risk Factors'

1) Non Modifiable : Age , Family history and sex.

2) Modifiable :
High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Obesity , smoking, Alcohol, Unhealthy Diet, Stress and depression, Sedentary lifestyle.

Following are the Risk Factors That Play a Bigger Role in Women.
These factors affect both men and women, but doctors are finding that they may have a bigger impact on women:

a) Diabetes. This in particular is a more potent risk factor for women. Women who have diabetes have a four to five times more elevated risk for heart disease.

b) Birth Control Pills : Studies show that women who use high-dose birth control pills are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke because blood clots are more likely to form in the blood vessels.

Much of this information comes from studies of birth control pills containing higher doses of hormones than those commonly used today. Still, the risks of using low-dose pills are not fully known.
Therefore, if you are now taking any kind of birth control pill or are considering using one, keep these guidelines in mind: Don’t mix smoking and “the pill.” If you smoke cigarettes, make a serious effort to quit. If you cannot quit, choose a different form of birth control.

Unusual fatigue, Sleep disturbance , shortness of breath ,Indigestion , anxiety.

'You and Your Doctor: A Heart Healthy Partnership'

"ASK AND YOU GET!" Tell your doctor you want to keep your heart healthy and would like help in achieving that goal. Ask questions about your chances of developing heart disease and how you can lower your risk.
A wholistic approach combining Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy , Naturopathy, Yoga , and Lifestyle modifications can save your heart.

If you eat a nutritious diet, engage in regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, and stop smoking, you will improve your heart health. No matter what heart disease risk factors you have—or how many—you will greatly benefit from taking action in these four areas. If you already have heart disease, you can lessen its severity by following this plan.

True, you may need to take other steps to prevent or control heart disease. For example, if you have diabetes, you also will need to keep your blood sugar levels under control. But following a heart healthy eating plan, controlling your weight ,and engaging in more physical activity will help you keep your blood sugar at healthy levels. These steps will also help reduce your chances of developing high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol.

So Women , lets respond with one voice to the health crises of womens heart disease by creating awareness amongst ourselves.

NEWS-"Actress Elizabeth Banks promotes American Heart Association campaigns to spread awareness of Heart Disease in Women, Their No-1 Killer".

sent to us by,
Dr Rohinee A Motwani
Consultant Cardiac Rehabilitation (India)